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So you found our fabulous events! Yay! 

Induo Events has been creating experiences that are valuable and memorable to women in the greater Chicago area since 2016. Our events are focused around the needs of women and they are created by women. We want to provide women a unique platform to access diverse vendors and their products. If expo attendees were able to relax, let their hair down, and have fun at one of our events, we know we did our job right.


So many more details to share, so make sure you follow us on social media!


Are you a past guest? Tell us what you thought here.

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"This is my first event with Induo, which means to plan in Latin. I'm enjoying visiting all of the vendors related to health and wellness, taking personal classes, and meeting all of the entrepreneurs at this event," said Tiffany Carter, an attendee at the Happy & Healthy Expo. "I really believe that it's good for women to get out and see what resources we have to take care of ourselves, both mentally and physically. I've enjoyed this Induo event and I look forward to more."

"I had a great time at the Pampering Parade. I visited every vendor and made a friend at each table. I purchased a VIP ticket and was not disappointed, I received freebies and raffle tickets (and I won!)," said Renee Slezak, an attendee at the event. "Grab your friends for the next Induo event, you'll have a blast like we did!"

Lisa Wiesbrook said of the 4th Annual Holiday Extravaganza "Thank you so much for last Sunday's event!  I came with one of my best friends, and she is going thru a tough time right now helping care for her mother in law.  She never takes time for herself.  She almost backed out going with me Sunday, but her husband told her to get out and enjoy herself.


She had the best time ever!  She won raffles, loved painting her wine bottle, loved receiving her free bottles of Reign.  Loved the fact that she could take home some of her favorite powdered sugar donuts that you had in the VIP area.  Once we got in my car afterwards, she lost it.  She was so hyper that she won so many things, and the things she purchased got such a good deal on!"

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